Best for Women September 2024

새로운 클럽의 해에 오신 것을 환영합니다!

Meet 2024-2025 SIA President Ginger Cole!

연맹 리더십

Meet SIA’s incoming leadership

클럽 캘린더

Check out important dates, deadlines and upcoming events in our 2024-2025 Club Calendar

성공을 위한 클럽 로드맵

Check out our Club Roadmap for Success and the Club Roadmap Metrics to help your club focus on essential areas that will assist us in achieving our Big Goal. The roadmap will guide your activities and the metrics are used for our annual recognition of accomplishments. Thank you again for your participation in our programs, growing engagement and supporting our culture of philanthropy!

A Convention to Remember

Thank you to all our speakers, talent and attendees for making our 48th Soroptimist Biennial Convention an event to remember! Take a look at our recap blog to see the fun we had at convention complete with photos and workshop materials.

예정된 이벤트

SIA has an exciting new member engagement initiative called Soroptimists UpliftHER! The webinar on September 10 at 8 p.m. (ET) is FULL. A recording will be emailed to all registrants and available on our YouTube channel. Stay tuned!  

Live Your Dream Awards Resources & Updates

Application System Reminder

U.S./Canadian Members Only: Eligible women may submit an application to a nearby club by November 15. Applicants and Live Your Dream Awards chairs should use the online application system. Club chairs should be sure to sign the confidentiality agreement so we can send your invitation! Creating your own account on the application system will result in creating an applicant account, so check your email for application system login information and email for help. 

클럽 리소스

View Live Your Dream Awards Club Resources for the emailable application, recruiting and publicity tools, reporting instructions, and more.

우리 클럽은 놀랍습니다!

Our 2023-2024 club year is over and the numbers are in! See how your region did and check out the 2024-2025 targets.

#테크토크 업데이트

Need help paying dues? Check out your Learning Hub!

Reminder: The Member Portal is only open to club presidents, treasurers and admins as we move through the new dues renewal process. We will likely send the next round of invites this Fall 2024—don’t forget, you can still access Member Resources from the website at any time!
Top 6 Burning Questions from Club Leaders:

  • I’m a club officer: where is my portal invite? How do I log-in?

  • 활성 회원만 표시되도록 회원명단 보기를 필터링하려면 어떻게 해야 하나요?

  • How do I add new club officers? Do they automatically get a portal invite?

  • When generating my invoice, I don’t see the button to pay, what do I do next?

  • 회원 포털에 로그인하려면 여전히 6자리 클럽 ID 번호가 필요한가요?

  • 회비 청구서를 지불하지 않고 클럽 기부에 기부하려면 어떻게 해야 하나요?

SI 및 UN 뉴스

Sustainable Development Goals Report 2024

Produced annually, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Report provides an in-depth review of the ongoing issues, challenges, and steps toward achieving the SDGs in line with the 2030 agenda for sustainable development. Read the full report.

2023 SI Annual Report: Global Policy Excerpt 

Since 1984, SI has held General Consultative Status at the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), a prestigious designation held by only 138 out of 6,494 organizations, with SI being one of the 13 specifically focused on advancing women’s and girls’ human rights. Read the Global Policy segment of the 2023 Annual Report.

New Position Paper

SI is pleased to share that the SI Board has approved the new Where We Stand Position Paper on Widows, drafted by SI’s Advocacy Team and with input from federations. Read more.

알아두어야 할 사항

  • 기념일을 맞이하는 클럽을 축하합니다. 획기적인 기념일 축하드립니다! 

  • Check out the FY24/25 Strategic Plan, which highlights our vision, mission core values and strategic outcomes. 

  • SIA 기금모금위원회 및 SIA 이사회 후보자 추천은 9월 15일까지 본부에 제출해야 합니다. 7월에 발송된 후보자 추천서 및 직무 설명서를 클럽 이메일에서 확인하세요. 자세히 알아보기

  • Discover actions taken by your SIA Board at its July meeting. 

  • Registration is open for the SIGBI conference in Edinburgh, November 1-3. Learn more. 

  • There are nine proposed bylaws amendments for your club to review on the nominations and elections page of the SIA website. All clubs in good standing will receive a link into the Simply Voting ballot platform on Friday, October 11, and the voting platform will be open through Wednesday, December 11.

클럽 기부

클럽 기부에 참여하여 큰 목표를 지원하고 지역사회를 넘어 클럽의 영향력을 확장하세요. 

사용자 지정 가능한 캔버스 템플릿

Customize this graphic to promote your Dream It, Be It event. 

스토리 공유

저희는 여러분의 영감을 주는 소롭티미스트 이야기를 듣고 싶고, 저희의 미션이 여러분과 다른 사람들의 삶에 어떤 변화를 가져왔는지 알아보고 싶습니다. 



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이전 게시물
이전 게시물

2024-2025 Club President & Treasurer Information


연맹 리더십을 만나보세요